For Cello and Piano (Franchomme). For Theater Orchestra (Hinrichs). For 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombones and Tuba (Székelyhidi).The Impromptu by Balakirev is based on Preludes 14 and 11. Variationen und Fuge in freier Form, BV 213, by Busoni and Variations on a Theme of Chopin, Op.22, by Rachmaninoff are based on Prelude 20 Preludes For piano Scores featuring the piano For 1 player For treble instrument (arr) For 1 player (arr) Scores with open instrumentation For cello, piano (arr) For 2 players (arr) Scores featuring the cello (arr) Scores featuring the piano (arr) For violin, piano (arr) Scores featuring the violin (arr) for violin, piano (arr) For orchestra (arr) Scores featuring the orchestra (arr) For 4 cellos (arr) For 4 players (arr) For guitar (arr) Scores featuring the guitar (arr) For organ (arr) Scores featuring the organ (arr) For piano (arr) For strings (arr) Scores featuring string ensemble (arr) For bassoon, piano (arr) Scores featuring the bassoon (arr) For voice, piano (arr) For voices with keyboard (arr) Scores featuring the voice (arr) For narrator, piano (arr) Scores featuring a narrator (arr) For voices with solo instruments (arr) For voice, female chorus, violin, cello, piano, organ (arr) Scores featuring the soprano voice (arr) Scores featuring female chorus (arr) For voices and chorus with strings (arr) For cello, strings (arr) For strings with soloists (arr) For flute, clarinet, strings (arr) Scores featuring the flute (arr) Scores featuring the clarinet (arr) For 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba (arr) Scores featuring the trumpet (arr) Scores featuring the trombone (arr) Scores featuring the tuba (arr) For 5 players (arr) For flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn (arr) Scores featuring the oboe (arr) Scores featuring the horn (arr) For 2 violins, viola, cello, double bass, piano (arr) Scores featuring the viola (arr) Scores featuring the double bass (arr) For 6 players (arr)